
The Rescue of Kidate Awesome Chapter 14

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Literature Text

The Supreme Legend is finally in position, ready to strike down the enemy ship while still in their time pocket.
Charlie is about to give the command, however, he is stopped by a request. It is a very special request. It is called the Council of Ambassadors, and it is a telepathic connection that brings all who is involved into a place that doesn’t exist but in their minds.
Charlie accepts the request, and while he remains present in the physical world, he also enters a mental world.
He finds himself in a large, wood constructed room. In the center of this room is a round table, big enough to fit fifty members in the chairs surrounding it. Gareth is sitting in his designated seat.
Charlie appears in this world as if he has just walked through the door, and walks past the chairs of former Ambassadors.
Each seat has its owners name carved in it. Ambassador of Wonder, Ambassador of Splendor, the names pass as Charlie finds his chair.
It is a magical place, filled with nostalgia of times gone by.
“I never liked coming to this place.” Charlie says as he sits down.
“We were a great thing, back in those days.” Gareth says.
The two are both filled with memories of a time when there were all fifty members of the Embassy of Excellence here. It was a time of endless possibilities, ands the power of NGM and the Embassy seemed limitless. It was a time where peace filled the universe, and evil was hardly existent.
Charlie looks over to the chair belonging to the Ambassador of Awesome. Of all the seats in that room, this one appeared to have been used the most. Its edges worn, its seat polished smooth, and the table edge rubbed away. It was odd, considering this place wasn’t real. Perhaps its maker wanted it to be the most real place it could be for the people who came here. Maybe it was more real than they thought it was.
“I don’t know where he is.” Gareth says.
“It’s not like him to ignore a meeting like this,” Charlie says, “even if it has been awhile.”
“I haven’t ignored it.” A voice say from there door.
The two seated ambassadors turn to see who was there, and like a king returning, Travis walks into the room.
“Why didn’t you answer my call?” Gareth asks.
“I am near a black hole.” Travis says, finding his seat.
“What??” Charlie replies.
“That’s not why I am here though.” Travis says. “So I call this meeting to start.”
Gareth looks over to Charlie, then to Travis.
“I called this meeting to talk to Glory.” Gareth says. “However, as long as we are here, we should coordinate strategies.”
Travis nods in acknowledgement.
“What do you need me for?” Charlie asks.
Gareth turns to him.
“I am facing an enemy that I believe is using time displacement to conceal themselves.” Gareth says.
“Are you sure of that?” Charlie asks, shocked.
“I need to confirm it.” Gareth says.
“I see.” Charlie says, looking at the table in thought.
“What can I do to see the enemy?” Gareth asks.
As Travis watches and listens intently, Charlie becomes fidgety, thinking deep about what needs to be done.
“There is only one thing I can think of that will work.” Charlie says.
“Well, what is it?” Gareth says.
“It will put me and my crew in danger.” Charlie says.
“For the sake of knowing, what is it?” Gareth asks.
Charlie looks at Gareth with a serious expression.
“If I overload my cloak, the shockwave will be the right frequency to knock out anyone else using time displacement.” Charlie says. “And I could only do it once.”
“We’ll have to do it. I can’t stop this man without-” Gareth says, but gets interrupted.
“I understand that, but I need you to consider something.” Charlie says.
“What is there to consider?” Gareth asks.
“The shockwave will only disrupt their cloak for a few seconds, if not less.” Charlie warns Gareth.
Gareth sits up in his chair, taking in this new information.
Travis decides to have his say in the matter.
“I think we should weigh our situation right now, before we go with the shockwave idea.” Travis says.
“It’s not looking good.” Gareth says.
“The Solidarity Fleet is on its way, they are out another few minutes, but I fear that I am doomed to repeat Valens mistake.” Charlie says.
“You have made the right choice, Glory.” Travis says to comfort Charlie.
Charlie gets a little irrationally angry at his friend, the stress has been building for awhile.
“What about you? Where are you? Why are you making us do all this work?” Charlie asks.
“We are his friends; we shouldn’t have to ask questions like that.” Gareth says.
“No, It’s alright, Amazing.” Travis says.
Travis looks to Charlie with that ever present sense of passion.
“I have not sat on the sidelines in this, I promise you that.” Travis says.
“What have you done?” Charlie repeats himself.
Travis cannot contain his smile.
“Right now the Agency is in hyperspace, as is the entire Space Forces armada.” Travis informs them.
Charlie is surprised at this, he had assumed Travis was letting them do the work alone, but he was wrong.
“I am sorry I questioned you, Awesome.” Charlie says.
“I is ok, I understand what concern you had.” Travis responds.
“So then, what is the plan?” Gareth says.
Travis sits back in his chair.
“Glory will use his cover to destroy the ships that shot at him. Once he has done that, His cover should be used up, and he will overload his cloak, making the man you are fighting visible once again, Amazing. By that time, the Calvary will be in.” Travis says.
“What about you?” Gareth asks.
“Oh, I’m on my way.” Travis says.
“Are you purposely being unspecific?” Charlie asks, but it was too slow.
Travis has already faded out from the room in their minds.
“Good luck.” Gareth says, and fades out.
Charlie, too, fades away from the place and onto reality.
Back in reality, Charlie decides that this game of stalling is over. It is time for action.
“Target all the ships that attacked us.” Charlie says. “Open fire on them all, fire at will.”
Admiral Joss turns to him, this he is a little wary of, but says nothing.
A few seconds later, the forward facing guns, cannons, and missile launchers open attack on the ships who attacked them first.
The sound of the weaponry fills the ship with echoes and vibrations of machines moving, guns recoiling, and spent shells falling to the floor. In the window before them, the ships that stand in their way start to light up with the red, orange, and yellow hot gasses that make up explosions. The enemy ships crumble from the mighty barrage of bullets, bombs, and particle beams. The ships in the surrounding area pull away from the debris and explosions from the ships near them, and present their weapons in the general direction of the Supreme Legend.
“Do not worry, they cannot hit us.” Admiral Joss ensures the crew.
The return fire passes through the area of space the Supreme Legend occupies; it is in its own bubble of space.
It should be said that the cloak is indeed a bubble, and much like a one way force field, bullets can exit it, but can not get back in. The only difference being that the bubble exits reality of the bullets, so they pass right through.
“Target the ships that have fire upon us. Destroy them.” Charlie commands.
Admiral Joss is satisfied with these actions. No one aboard the Supreme Legend has any qualms about killing the enemy. Being from the Rebel Space Alliance and Space Pirates, many of the men aboard the ships have already committed hideous crimes. Firing upon a Solidarity Fleet vessel is a crime punishable by death, making the return fire ever more just.
“Bring the cloak up to one hundred and ten percent capacities.” Charlie commands.
Admiral Joss has his qualms about this, however.
“I’m sorry, what?” Joss says, squaring off to the Ambassador.
“I need the vortex manipulators to run at one hundred and ten percent.” Charlie repeats, slowly and clearly.
“You will destroy the generators!” Joss says to him.
“I realize the consequences of over running the vortex manipulators.” Charlie says. “I need them to fail.”
“You have lost your mind!” Joss says, enraged.
“Trust me!” Charlie shouts back.
“Trust you? No longer!” Joss says.
Admiral Joss grabs Charlie’s arm, and pulls on it to force him off the bridge.
“I will no longer have any of your misguided actions, and by the power that I have been given, I relieve you of duty.” The Admiral says to the Ambassador.
Charlie grabs Admiral Joss by the arms and throws him against the wall. Leading an Ambassador in such a way is extremely offensive and a violation of rank.
“The Ambassador of Amazing is down there right now facing an enemy with a time displacement cloak. He is nose to nose with an enemy that has the potential to kill millions of people.” Charlie explains. “It is an enemy that could kill even him if he is not careful.”
An explosion of another destroyed ship fills the bridge’s window behind Charlie.
“The only way to defeat this advanced enemy is to disrupt his cloak by destroying our own cloak.” Charlie adds.
Admiral Joss is in slight shock. It is the first time in a very long time that someone has become physically violent with him. He also takes in what Charlie has said. He once again, finds the trust of his leader.
Charlie releases the Admiral, and the Admiral adjust himself.
“Cloak Manager,” Admiral Joss says to the control man, “Bring the cloak to one hundred and ten percent, please.”
Charlie pats Admiral Joss on the shoulder, smiling.
The two men, in their own time, return to their original positions. Ready to face the enemy.
“Captain, vortex engines are now running at maximum capacity, and rising.” A man says.
“Can you give me a countdown to failure?” Joss asks.
“They’ll hold out for twenty minutes at this rate.” The man replies.
“No soon enough.” Charlie says, grabbing the ship’s onboard communication microphone.
He dials up the engine room, where the vortex generators are.
“Engine room, I need more power from the vortex engines.” Charlie says.
“Are you crazy?” the engineer responds. “At this rate, you will tear the bearing right out of the generators!”
“That’s what I am trying to do.” Charlie tells them.
“What do you want us to do? They are already running at past their maximum capacity, what more can we do?” the engineer quarrels with Charlie.
“Dump gasoline down the compressors, I don’t care!” Charlie says, hanging up the microphone.
The engineer in the engine room takes a moment to pause and think.
“That actually might work.” He says to himself.
The engineer hastily takes some emergency gasoline the ship keeps on board and unscrews the cap to an access hole on the top of one of the vortex generators. Being connected to the compression blades of the generator, the hole generates a vacuum.
The engineer takes his gas can and dumps it directly into the access hole. The small hole is eager to suck in the flammable liquid.
The generator immediately accelerates from the added juice, whirring fast than ever.
“Captain, generator one is running at one hundred and twenty two percent!” the person monitoring the engines says.
“At this rate, the engines will run out in two minutes” they respond.
“Good, good.” Charlie says to himself. “Keep firing upon the enemy, do not let up.”
Outside, the enemy army is beginning to panic. They know that the Supreme Legend is attacking them, but there is nothing they can do about it. Such is the fear and supremacy of the Supreme Legend.
Charlie telepathically communicates to Gareth, who has been constantly moving around, trying to keep ahead of his invisible enemy.
“Amazing.” Charlie says to Gareth with his mind.
“Yeah?” Gareth responds telepathically.
“We’ll be blowing in two minutes. Can you hold out for that long?” Charlie asks.
“Yeah, I’ll have to.” Gareth says.
There conversation ends, and Gareth I left to make a decision.
“Alright, let’s see what you can do.” Gareth says.
He stands up and throws his gun aside. He reaches to his belt with both arms cross over to their opposite side. With energy flowing from his palms, he calls forth his mighty weapon. It is sword that is only a few feet long, allowing it to be maneuverable, light, and above all else, fast. As a bit of a warm up, Gareth swings it around, displaying fantastic swordsmanship.
“Bring it on.” He says out loud to the man who is hunting him, taking a defensive stance.
The silence around Gareth is eerie. All that can be heard is the movement of trees in the wind, and the birds chirping. It is almost peaceful.
Gareth takes in all of the sounds, waiting for that one specific sound that only a highly trained person can hear, and only if they are fast enough to decipher it.
Through the birds and the wind, Gareth hears the sound he has been searching for. He spins around quickly, far quicker than a regular human can, and deflects the bullet with his blade.
“Good, he is that way.” Gareth thinks to himself, taking another defensive stance.
Gareth assumes that the person he faces can only run so fast, so there is a very limited range he can run in either direction for a given amount of time.
Another shot fires, and Gareth deflects it again.
“He’s moving that way.” Gareth gathers and repositions himself for another shot.
More silence fills the area, but it is interrupted once again.
This time, a shot is fired, but it will not hit Gareth. He takes this opening to return an attack, sending a slash of energy in the direction of the bullet’s origin.
Gareth’s attack misses the enemy and the enemy fires again.
With another shot, Gareth blocks the bullet again.
Suddenly, the steady flow of single shots turns into a barrage of bullets, raining down on Gareth like a hailstorm. Gareth is forced to dodge them, running off in one direction, then doubling back, making it hard to be hit.
Finding some cover by another one of the many boulders, Gareth take the time to telepathically call Charlie again.
“How much longer, the fight is heating up, here.” Gareth says to Charlie.
“Not much longer.” Charlie says.
“Captain, several ships are exiting hyperspace!” a woman calls in the Supreme Legend.
“What sort of ship?” Joss asks.
“It’s a destroyer.” She responds.
Charlie likes the sound of that.
“Here comes the Solidarity Fleet.” He says smugly.
“Thirty seconds on the generators!” the monitor calls out.
The ship exits hyperspace sooner than expected, though, it is not a Solidarity Fleet vessel, but a sparkling white ship of the Space Forces.
“That’s not a Kuneerian vessel.” Joss said.
“Well, I’ll be darned.” Charlie says, casually grabbing the radio. “Patch me through.”
The hail goes out to the Space forces mother ship, the first to exit hyperspace. Other ships follow it from hyperspace, and the Rebels and Pirates immediately take aim and fire upon them. Just as quickly, the Space forces return fire.
“This is Commander Apicem, what is your situation?” The mother ship responds.
“Captain Apicem, this is the Ambassador of Glory, I have express information to give to you.” Charlie says.
“Yes, deliver it.” Apicem says.
“Danger close, my cloak is about to drop, I’m sending over my exact position now.” Charlie says, typing on the screen in front of him.
“Are you stuck in that spot?” Apicem asks.
“I cannot move as of right now.” Charlie tells Apicem.
“Generators are critical!” The monitor says.
“Understood, do you need assistance?” Apicem asks.
“Negative, Commander, we will be mobile in a short while.” Charlie says.
“Alright, Ambassador.” Apicem says. “Now, I’ll display for you the might of the United Space Forces of Justice.”
The entire Space Forces army is now out of hyperspace, and all are taking aim at the monstrous enemy army before them. As large and as powerful as the Space Forces are, they are no match for the million ship army the enemy has.
“Captain, the Solidarity Fleet signature has been detected exiting hyperspace!” the woman calls again. “Correction, the Agency has been confirmed to be exciting hyperspace in addition!”
“Commander Apicem.” Charlie says. “In a short few minute, you and I will witness the entire force that is NGM take on all of the Space Pirates and Rebel Space Alliance in one unified army of justice.”
Apicem is blown away by this.
“It will be a grand spectacle.” Apicem says.
The battle between the two armies is beginning to pick up, the two sides ships mixing together in one big swarm of battles going on in a three dimensional battlefield in the weightlessness of the heavens. If these were truly the heavens, then this was a battle of gods and titans.
“Ambassador, aren’t you forgetting about the N.G.M.G.S. Excellence?” Admiral Joss asks.
“Nope.” Charlie responds.
It was just a hunch, but Charlie suspects that Travis has a trick up his sleeve.
Suddenly, there is a loud bang, followed by another bang, aboard the Supreme Legend.
“Vortex generators have just failed!” the monitor says. “We are exited the time displacement bubble!”
“Shields to maximum, keep firing all weapons, take evasive action!” Charlie commands as a ripple of time is sent in all directions.
It cannot be seen, but it is there, expanding ever faster towards the planet that is Satyrus.
Gareth has been pinned down by the bullets from the unseen enemy. All he can do is sit and wait for the ripple to reach them and disrupt the enemy’s cloak.
Sensing the disruption of time heading towards them, Gareth jumps out from his cover, and runs to some better cover, giving him an advantage over the enemy.
It is here where Gareth decides to go to full attack mode.
He grabs his sword with both hands, and pulls it apart. The sword is not one blade, but two. Now with two blades to attack and defend with, Gareth can launch a full counter strike against the cloaked enemy, and be in range of attack when the cloak drops.
The bullets fall upon Gareth again, and he deflects them, but not all of them. He is forced to dive out of the way to dodge the remained storm of the bullets.
With this quick step aside, he can take a goo look up the stream of hot lead and see the bullets point of origin. He knows where to swing his mighty swords.
Advancing his attack, the shockwave approaches rapidly, and Gareth is nearly in place.
The bullets move into his path, and he is forced to go on the defensive again. With his godly speed, Gareth is able to see, track, and deflect each bullet. He can only do it, however, in a short burst. The energy used to do so drains him fast.
“Not enough.” Gareth thinks to himself, not having the energy to keep up with the bullets.
He instead resorts to an aerial attack, jumping into the air out of the stream of bullets. He is very near now, a few feet to go and he’ll be within striking range.
The shockwave hits as an intangible force. The empty space that was the point of origin for the bullets warps and bends the light waves around it, causing the bushes in the area to appear to bend.
The man who has been attacking Gareth slowly fades into existence, giving Gareth something to attack. Gareth falls from above down onto the enemy, swinging both of his swords at once.
This attack, though, proves to be futile. His blades pass right through the ghost like person who stand before him.
“Too soon!” Gareth says in his mind.
Gareth falls all the way to the ground, passing right through the enemy. The man starts to fade out, and it seems like the shockwave has failed. Then, like a returning wave, the enemy fades into existence again, but just a little more than before.
At a complete positional disadvantage, Gareth swing backward at the man.
“Hit damn it.” Gareth thinks, as he watches the blade swing closer and ever closer to the leg of the enemy that stands before him.
The blade Gareth wields finds a solid object to hit; it is the enemy. It was the most satisfying thing Gareth has felt for a long time.
“Gotcha!” Gareth says out loud to the man, overjoyed to have made contact.
The partially invisible man stumbled away from Gareth, his time bubble disrupted. The man’s figure flashes and fades erratically in and out, stuck between Gareth’s time and the time bubble.
With a push of a button on his arm, the man who faces Gareth can now fully be seen. He is wearing an all black armor suit, including a helmet. It is thin and sleek, unlike Valen’s large and bulky armor.
“I don’t know what trick you pulled, but this doesn’t mean the end of our fight.” The man says through his helmet.
“It’s just beginning.” Gareth says, standing up to square off with the man.
The enemy of Gareth’s throws down his gun, just like Gareth has, and pulls out two Japanese katanas.
“We should be on the same level.” The man says.
“Honorable.” Gareth says. “On that logic, my name is Gareth. I ask that you tell me your name as well, so that we are truly on the same level.”
“I am called, Arcanus.” The man says.
Gareth swings his swords into a offensive position.
“We then, are you ready to fight?” Gareth says.
Arcanus takes an offensive position as well.
“Let’s see how we match up.” Arcanus says.
This is he next chapter in my epic, The Rescue of Kidate Awesome.
© 2014 - 2024 rioross
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Fainalotea's avatar
Another awesome chapter! You are a talented writer. ^^